jaune est la couleur (yellow is the color), 2020
jaune est la couleur (yellow is the color), 2020

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

écran croûte (crust screen), 2019
écran croûte (crust screen), 2019

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

une de plus en plus (more one more and more), 2020
une de plus en plus (more one more and more), 2020

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

dernier souffle, 2022
dernier souffle, 2022

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

tout ce qu'on aime (everything we love), 2020
tout ce qu'on aime (everything we love), 2020

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

Trets, 2019
Trets, 2019

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

serre échelle, 2021
serre échelle, 2021

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

structured chaos, 2020
structured chaos, 2020

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

le fond entre en résistance, 2019
le fond entre en résistance, 2019

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

voile d'ombrage (shade sail), 2019-2020
voile d'ombrage (shade sail), 2019-2020

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

der Berg ruft (the call of the mountains), 2020
der Berg ruft (the call of the mountains), 2020

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

l'imprévisible grandit, 2020
l'imprévisible grandit, 2020

oil on canvas, 95x100cm

sureau 2020
sureau 2020

oil on canvas, 95x100cm

promenade de fonds, 2020
promenade de fonds, 2020

oil on canvas, 95x100cm

gâche la vue
gâche la vue

oil on canvas (95x100cm) 2019

c'était mieux sans mais il fallait bien
c'était mieux sans mais il fallait bien

oil on canvas (95x100cm) 2019

à travers branches
à travers branches

oil on canvas, 95x100cm 2019

Affaissée III
Affaissée III

oil on canvas, 95x100cm 2018


oil on canvas, 54x65cm 2018

tombe sous le sens
tombe sous le sens

oil on canvas, 100x105cm 2018-2019

la belle verte, 2018
la belle verte, 2018

oil on canvas, 95x100cm


oil on canvas 100x105cm 2018-2019

forgotten surface
forgotten surface

oil on canvas, 100x105 cm 2018

bags of fertilizer, 2018
bags of fertilizer, 2018

oil on canvas, 100x105 cm

Gyeyang, 2017
Gyeyang, 2017

oil on canvas 100 x 105 cm

fermentation, 2017
fermentation, 2017

oil on canvas, 100 x 105 cm

focusing, 2017
focusing, 2017

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm


double screen, 2017
double screen, 2017

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

blue zone, 2017
blue zone, 2017

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

shrub, 2017
shrub, 2017

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

empty chair, 2017
empty chair, 2017

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

livestock, 2017
livestock, 2017

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

11 steps, 2016
11 steps, 2016

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

The brain of the jellyfish, 2016
The brain of the jellyfish, 2016

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

In what sees itself, 2016
In what sees itself, 2016

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

butterfly 2, 2016
butterfly 2, 2016

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

le chant des baleines, 2016
le chant des baleines, 2016

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

Miniature, 2016
Miniature, 2016

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

blue in green, 2016
blue in green, 2016

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

butterfly 1, 2016
butterfly 1, 2016

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

le Teil, 2016
le Teil, 2016

oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm

swimming pool VII, 2015
swimming pool VII, 2015

tempera on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

swimming pool V, 2015
swimming pool V, 2015

tempera on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

swimming pool VI, 2015
swimming pool VI, 2015

tempera on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

swimming pool III, 2015
swimming pool III, 2015

tempera on canvas, 65 x 80 cm, private collection

swimming pool I, 2015
swimming pool I, 2015

tempera on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

swimming pool II, 2015
swimming pool II, 2015

tempera on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

swimming pool IV, 2015
swimming pool IV, 2015

tempera on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

Chrysalises 1, 2014
Chrysalises 1, 2014

oil on canvas, 64 x 80 cm

Chrysalises 2, 2014
Chrysalises 2, 2014

oil on canvas, 64 x 80 cm

Chrysalises 3, 2014
Chrysalises 3, 2014

oil on canvas, 64 x 80 cm

white table, 2014
white table, 2014

oil on canvas, 59,5 x 70 cm

the spinner, 2015
the spinner, 2015

oil on canvas, 110 x 130 cm

strictly, 2014
strictly, 2014

oil on canvas, 59,5 x 70 cm

greenhaus corner, 2014
greenhaus corner, 2014

oil on canvas, 100 x 104 cm

three rounds, 2013
three rounds, 2013

oil on canvas, 140 x 170 cm

Hodler, 2010-2011
Hodler, 2010-2011

oil on canvas, 60 x 65 cm

otherwise the earth, 2013
otherwise the earth, 2013

oil on canvas, 95 x 100 cm

reader, 2013
reader, 2013

oil on canvas, 100 x 104 cm

sediments, 2013
sediments, 2013

oil on canvas, 100 x 104 cm

shroud, 2013
shroud, 2013

oil on canvas, 95 x 100 cm

screen window, 2006
screen window, 2006

oil on canvas, 62 x 47 cm

take a seat, 2013
take a seat, 2013

oil on canvas, 100 x 104 cm

the picture is behind, 2013
the picture is behind, 2013

oil on canvas, 46 x 55 cm

tools, 2012
tools, 2012

oil on canvas, 133 x 141 cm

jaune est la couleur (yellow is the color), 2020
écran croûte (crust screen), 2019
une de plus en plus (more one more and more), 2020
dernier souffle, 2022
tout ce qu'on aime (everything we love), 2020
Trets, 2019
serre échelle, 2021
structured chaos, 2020
le fond entre en résistance, 2019
voile d'ombrage (shade sail), 2019-2020
der Berg ruft (the call of the mountains), 2020
l'imprévisible grandit, 2020
sureau 2020
promenade de fonds, 2020
gâche la vue
c'était mieux sans mais il fallait bien
à travers branches
Affaissée III
tombe sous le sens
la belle verte, 2018
forgotten surface
bags of fertilizer, 2018
Gyeyang, 2017
fermentation, 2017
focusing, 2017
double screen, 2017
blue zone, 2017
shrub, 2017
empty chair, 2017
livestock, 2017
11 steps, 2016
The brain of the jellyfish, 2016
In what sees itself, 2016
butterfly 2, 2016
le chant des baleines, 2016
Miniature, 2016
blue in green, 2016
butterfly 1, 2016
le Teil, 2016
swimming pool VII, 2015
swimming pool V, 2015
swimming pool VI, 2015
swimming pool III, 2015
swimming pool I, 2015
swimming pool II, 2015
swimming pool IV, 2015
Chrysalises 1, 2014
Chrysalises 2, 2014
Chrysalises 3, 2014
white table, 2014
the spinner, 2015
strictly, 2014
greenhaus corner, 2014
three rounds, 2013
Hodler, 2010-2011
otherwise the earth, 2013
reader, 2013
sediments, 2013
shroud, 2013
screen window, 2006
take a seat, 2013
the picture is behind, 2013
tools, 2012
jaune est la couleur (yellow is the color), 2020

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

écran croûte (crust screen), 2019

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

une de plus en plus (more one more and more), 2020

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

dernier souffle, 2022

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

tout ce qu'on aime (everything we love), 2020

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

Trets, 2019

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

serre échelle, 2021

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

structured chaos, 2020

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

le fond entre en résistance, 2019

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

voile d'ombrage (shade sail), 2019-2020

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

der Berg ruft (the call of the mountains), 2020

oil on canvas, 60x70cm

l'imprévisible grandit, 2020

oil on canvas, 95x100cm

sureau 2020

oil on canvas, 95x100cm

promenade de fonds, 2020

oil on canvas, 95x100cm

gâche la vue

oil on canvas (95x100cm) 2019

c'était mieux sans mais il fallait bien

oil on canvas (95x100cm) 2019

à travers branches

oil on canvas, 95x100cm 2019

Affaissée III

oil on canvas, 95x100cm 2018


oil on canvas, 54x65cm 2018

tombe sous le sens

oil on canvas, 100x105cm 2018-2019

la belle verte, 2018

oil on canvas, 95x100cm


oil on canvas 100x105cm 2018-2019

forgotten surface

oil on canvas, 100x105 cm 2018

bags of fertilizer, 2018

oil on canvas, 100x105 cm

Gyeyang, 2017

oil on canvas 100 x 105 cm

fermentation, 2017

oil on canvas, 100 x 105 cm

focusing, 2017

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm


double screen, 2017

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

blue zone, 2017

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

shrub, 2017

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

empty chair, 2017

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

livestock, 2017

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

11 steps, 2016

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

The brain of the jellyfish, 2016

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

In what sees itself, 2016

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

butterfly 2, 2016

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

le chant des baleines, 2016

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

Miniature, 2016

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

blue in green, 2016

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

butterfly 1, 2016

oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

le Teil, 2016

oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm

swimming pool VII, 2015

tempera on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

swimming pool V, 2015

tempera on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

swimming pool VI, 2015

tempera on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

swimming pool III, 2015

tempera on canvas, 65 x 80 cm, private collection

swimming pool I, 2015

tempera on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

swimming pool II, 2015

tempera on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

swimming pool IV, 2015

tempera on canvas, 65 x 80 cm

Chrysalises 1, 2014

oil on canvas, 64 x 80 cm

Chrysalises 2, 2014

oil on canvas, 64 x 80 cm

Chrysalises 3, 2014

oil on canvas, 64 x 80 cm

white table, 2014

oil on canvas, 59,5 x 70 cm

the spinner, 2015

oil on canvas, 110 x 130 cm

strictly, 2014

oil on canvas, 59,5 x 70 cm

greenhaus corner, 2014

oil on canvas, 100 x 104 cm

three rounds, 2013

oil on canvas, 140 x 170 cm

Hodler, 2010-2011

oil on canvas, 60 x 65 cm

otherwise the earth, 2013

oil on canvas, 95 x 100 cm

reader, 2013

oil on canvas, 100 x 104 cm

sediments, 2013

oil on canvas, 100 x 104 cm

shroud, 2013

oil on canvas, 95 x 100 cm

screen window, 2006

oil on canvas, 62 x 47 cm

take a seat, 2013

oil on canvas, 100 x 104 cm

the picture is behind, 2013

oil on canvas, 46 x 55 cm

tools, 2012

oil on canvas, 133 x 141 cm

show thumbnails